> Hi,
> for some reason I needed to empty a DASD disk from its content (All files
are DB2
> VSAMS) .
> i noticed there is a multivolume DSNs so i added the 'SPHERE' &
> so after backing up the disk i run this JCL :
> //        MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
> //SYSIN    DD *
>  COPY DATASET(                 -
>  INCLUDE(  DBP.**,             -
>                  DBT.**,            -
>                DB29.**,              -
>  ))                    -
>  SPHERE    -
>  CAT -
>  /*
> for some reason half of the Files (not necessarliy multivolume) were not
copied  the
> job ended with RC 0 it seems DFDSS didn't select them  ,  from the
> "For VSAM data sets, the volume list is affected by the use of the SPHERE
keyword as
> follows:
> v Specify SPHERE and you only need to list any part of the base cluster in
the volume
> list."
> should I run this job again but without : 'SPHERE','SELECTMULTI' ?
> is there somthing I forgetten ?

You could go to ISMF Option 1 (dataset) and see what it generates to do this
for you.

I use this method to see what DFDSS control cards ISMF would generate to
move datasets from one volume to another.  I always use SPHERE whenever VSAM
is involved.  The use of sphere will not impact copying non-vsam datasets.

Could you let us know what files were not deleted and left on the original
volume?  We would need to  have more specific information to try and help.
Or if you could provide the output from the DFDSS job along with a vtoc
print, that would be very helpful. 

How many datasets are on the original volume.  How many were copied.  How
many were deleted?  How many were left? 

I have always seen DFDSS provide W type messages whenever it could not do
"something".  That you are not seeing messages is very strange.  You may
need to turn on a DFDSS trace in the job stream.  

But I would look for ADR----W messages in the output.  They may have an RC0
but a warning message is provided.

I had to write a REXX to filter the output of my DFDSS jobs so I could find
the W/E/S messages.  Otherwise they were easily over looked.


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