The whole slash business in COBOL goes back to the OS/VS COBOL days, before LE was even a blip on the PL/I radar (yes, that's where the LE stuff originated, and why COBOL had to adapt to LE).

I remember setting COBOL runtime options after the slash back in the early 1980's. PL/I X (and probably Checkout, too) had the run time before the slash.

Minor nit; if you have CBLOPTS(ON), the trailing slash is _not_ required for indicating lack of specification of runtime options.


on 2005.11.27 09:51 john gilmore said the following:
For all but COBOL, i.e., for C, FORTRAN, HLASM, and PL/I, the historical LE parm-string sequence was and is (first ordering)

PARM='<LE environmental options>/<program data>'

Initially, COBOL got it backwards, as (second ordering)

PARM='<program data>/<LE environmental options>'

This second ordering is called the COBOL-options convention.

Specifying CBLOPTS(OFF) at LE installation time selects the first ordering, making COBOL behave like the other languages.

Specifying CBLOPTS(ON) instead yields the second ordering.

Thus for CBLOPTS(OFF) and <LE environmental options> equal to a null string (missing),

PARM=' /<program data>'

is required; and for CBLOPTS(ON) and <LE environmental options> missing

PARM='<program data>/'

is required instead. The z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference, SA22-7562, dscusses these matters at length.

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