On 3/17/2011 10:33 AM, Martin Packer wrote:
When I speak to customers using their RMF data I use the serial number to
denote the machine but THEY often go "oh, that's 'Flossie'" but there's
nowhere I know of to tell the machine what it's called. :-)

Martin (not anthropomorphising computers as I gather they don't like it)

When IBM first issued the 360 line, each device and controller had a three position tag, and the C.E.s had peel and stick sheets with hexadecimal numbers, used to indicate the UCB name of the equipment. We liberated some of these and personalized the CPUs as 0AF, BAD, and similar. Some were compromises, such as A55. <g> None of our machines ever objected <G>

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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