>I was thinking of CGIs. I was also thinking of the HTTPD server. We
>don't have Websphere. Perhaps Websphere has things in it to make
>developing CGI-like applications in COBOL easier. When we tried to do
>CGI in COBOL a few years ago, it was very difficult due to not being
>able to use "stdin" and "stdout" directly from COBOL code, using COBOL
>verbs. I haven't looked at this since installing Enterprise COBOL, so
>maybe it is easier now.

Ah. Well, J2EE is a complete replacement for CGI (and then some).  There's 
something called JNI if you absolutely positively must make a native 
platform-specific call, but there are vanishingly few reasons to do that. 
CGI has fallen out of fashion (industry wide) for a variety of reasons.

Aside: WebSphere Application Server for z/OS is unique in being able to 
run COBOL as EJBs (Enterprise Java Beans -- don't take the "Java" too 
literally here). The COBOL code appears as "Java" objects within the 
WebSphere runtime, interacting with ordinary EJBs.  None of that is CGI, 
though, and it wouldn't require a C compiler.

>Plus, I'm trying to get my C compiler back <grin>. Not likely as I'm the
>only C literate person here on the z/OS side. The Windows side might
>have some C people. Although from what I know of them, they are all
>VB.Net people now.

OK.  Well, in that case, you should probably go into the z/OS Web Services 
business.  Make everything (or at least almost everything) accessible as 
VB.Net-friendly Web Services.  "Update account" a Web Service.  "Query 
account(s)" a Web Service.  Everything you possibly can, starting with the 
important ones (from an application perspective).  Then you're relevant -- 
you have a directory (yes, directory) of oh-so-easy to use services that 
VB.Net developers can just grab-and-go.  (It's also pretty easy to do in 
many different ways.)

VB.Net really doesn't know much about anything else -- including core 
business function -- unless it looks like a database (ODBC) or a Web 
Service (SOAP/WSDL). (Yes, it's that stupid. :-))  If all the valuable 
stuff (i.e. your mainframe apps) doesn't look like either one (especially 
SOAP/WSDL) then, of course, that mainframe stuff will be everything you 
mentioned.  It'll be like an interstate highway with no on-ramps.

Now I can't think of anything more proprietary than VB.Net, and even 
Microsoft isn't sure what to do with legacy VB. (Q: How do you bring 
classic VB to the Web? A: With major difficulty.) But the beauty of Web 
Services is that when your company changes its mind about its primary 
development environment you're still in very good shape because you've 
abstracted your core business functions into reusable, language-neutral 
Web Services.  In fact, the more rewriting of existing code you do in 
VB.Net -- without abstracting as services -- the worse off your company 
will be in the future.

Another aside: I'll let you in on a little secret.  IBM treasures its ~300 
MIPS customers -- a brand new z890 starts at 26 MIPS, after all -- but, 
just as with its ~30,000 MIPS customers, it doesn't work if everything is 
frozen at circa 1976.  It's a mixed workload platform with significant 
economies of scale, and that means it should run code you wrote 30 years 
ago alongside code you wrote 5 minutes ago.  What IBM is saying is pretty 
simple, actually: put something "new," anything "new," on your mainframe 
and you will enjoy the best cost-of-ownership (and qualities of service) 
any IT money can buy.  Making your VB.Net programmers more productive (and 
more architecturally sensible) could be your "new."

Probably no surprise (or secret), actually, come to think of it.  But hope 
it helps someone.

What you're probably not going to win is the argument about "primary" 
development platform. Sounds like it's VB.Net in your shop. A VB.Net 
developer is going to take a dim view of someone arguing that *their* next 
line of code ought to be written in COBOL or C on z/OS. It's like asking 
someone to change their brand of cola. But Web Services -- well, that's a 
different story. Now you're actually making their job easier and simpler 
because they don't have to figure out how to write thousands of lines of 
code to recreate that accounting system you already have (for example). If 
they could only plagarize that business function from the comfort and 
convenience of the only development environment they know in the ways 
they're used to working....

Oh, one more thing. Ask for help. Go to your friendly IBM rep and say, 
"Let's find out more about a zIAW."  (That stands for zSeries Integration 
Architecture Workshop, also known as a SOA Workshop.)  Your friendly IBM 
rep will go to w3.ibm.com/search and figure out what you mean, then 
they'll understand.  See if it makes sense to have a workshop at your 
company.  As it happens the workshop doesn't cost anything except a couple 
days' time.

Good luck!  (Or is it "Lose a bit"? :-))

- - - - -
Timothy F. Sipples
Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
IBM Americas zSeries/z9 Software
Phone: +1 312 529 1612

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