>Its a MonoPlex. The Logger storage group volume Loger01 was fully exhausted >and we deleted some orphaned Log datasets and this Error message has stopped >popping. Hi Jags,
For a case of data set storage exhaustion, I would expect to see messages IXG310, IXG311, IXG312 highlighting an offload failure. In addition to allocating more volumes for logger data sets, you can run an IEAMDBLG to move operlog data out of the log stream, or set up a retention period/ autodelete policy to keep the log stream data from consuming all the data sets. >Hi Nick, in this case If want to access operlog from ZOSA, how to switch? Hi Chen, If this hypothetical situation, if you had a two system sysplex with a DASDonly Operlog you could do one of two things to allow access on another system. 1) Migrate the logstream to the other system by a) disconnecting from operlog on ZOSB (V OPERLOG,HARDCPY,OFF)and b) then connect on ZOSA - or 2) 'upgrade' the logstream to a CF by a) disconnecting from operlog on ZOSB (V OPERLOG,HARDCPY,OFF)and b) updating the LOGR policy definition of the log steam to specify a structure name, and c) connecting on ZOSA and ZOSB -Nick Jones Logger L3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html