Lindy, if you think of the SWAP command as alternating between two screens,
or two "sides" of a display, this might make it easier. When you are on the
"A" screen and press PF9, you will go to the "B" screen. Press PF9 again,
and you are back on the "A" screen. OK so far?

Now, if you are on Screen 2 on the A side and Screen 4 on the B side, you
will alternate back and forth between these two. When you enter the command
SWAP 3, it does not switch sides, but changes the screen displayed on the
current side of the swap. For example if you are on Screen 2, with Screen 4
as the other side of the swap, and enter SWAP 3, you will change to Screen
3, and PF9 will swap to Screen 4, PF9 back to 3, and PF9 again to Screen 4.
Now, from Screen 4 if you enter SWAP 6, you will change from 4 to 6 on your
active screen, and PF9 will go to 3.

So, if you are still with me, your answer is very simple...Once your screens
are set up, do the following...
1. enter command SWAP 3 <enter> (this is the "A" side)
2. Press PF9 (to go to the "B" side)
3. enter command SWAP 6 <enter> (change the "B" side to 6)

Now you are set to toggle between 3 and 6.  The key to remember is that PF9
swaps to the other side, and the command SWAP # (or PF9 with the #) will
change the active screen to the new #, it does not swap.

Hope this helps!

On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Patrick Lyon <>wrote:

> On Mon, 23 May 2011 18:22:13 +0200, Lindy Mayfield
> <> wrote:
> >I have been using multiple ISPF screens for many years now, 12 or so.  I
> have memorized what each one is.  Like 1 is edit, 2 is SDSF, 3 is ISHELL, 4
> is
> 3.4 and so on.
> >
> >Problem is that I still cannot figure out how to make PF9 swap between two
> screens that I want.  Let's say I am in ISHELL on number 3 and I want to
> swap to number 6 for example.  I put 6 in the command and hit PF9 and it
> goes there.  Then I hit PF9 and it goes to #2 for example.  I want it to go
> from 6 to 3.  How do I do that?
> >
> >I know it can be done, because I do it accidentally quite often, but even
> after all these years I haven't figured out the pattern.
> >
> >thank you very much
> >Lindy
> Lindy, I have been playing here with my sessions and I do not think you can
> do as you'd like unfortunately.
> I too use multiple sessions, sometimes I run out of them (the limit being
> 8)!
> With my ID I have changed all my PF2 settings to the START command and
> As John pointed out, I do have the SWAPBAR command invoked, and you can
> see the panel names at the bottom of your screen.  If I'm on screen #2 for
> instance, I can type SWAP 5 and it will go to screen 5 (as noted on the
> display with an asterisk next to the screen you are on).
> I then can go to all the others using the SWAP n command, but a SWAP PREV
> only takes me back one in the list as noted on the SWAPBAR display.
> So I don't think the SWAP command is intuitive enough to know what screen
> you really were previously on.  Sorry!
> The SWAPBAR is a neat feature, although I find it cumbersome to tab down to
> the right screen and hit enter to get to it.  It is just faster to hit my
> PF9
> SWAP NEXT command.  Same with SWAP LIST.  My opinion only, of course.
> HTH,
> Pat L.
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