I was asked a question: what part of CPU is consumed by DB2?

AFAIK DB2* address spaces show only part of the real consumtion, the rest is included in CPU consuption of the task using DB2, i.e. CICS.
Am I right?

What is CPU second? Example: A job consumed 100 seconds of CPU time (as displayed by IEAFCTRT exit) . An LPAR has 5 CPs assigned. Is it 100s of single CP or 100s of 5-CP cluster? In other words: how should I count 100s of wall time? Is it worth of 5x100s of CPU time?

Any clue how to compute CPU consumtion for DB2?
My approach:

1. Calculate total "usable" CPU time. For 100% busy machine it would be 100% of time since IPL, for 30% avg busy it will be 1/3 of time since IPL. That's the number of cycles consumed by all the tasks in the system.

2. Calculate DB2 CPU time. It's harder. I add ECPU time from SDSF for all DB2* address space, then add part of time consumed by CICS regions (what part - it is shown by Strobe), then add part of time consumed by jobs using DB2 (very hard to count).

3. Then divide Result2/Result1 and voila.

Does it make any sense?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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