I know our STK9840C 40GB drives were defined as IBM 3590.

2011/6/20 R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl>:
> First, I'm talking about emulation, not about real drives.
> Many "modern" (that means: newer than 3490E) drives are defined in IODF as
> UNIT=3490. That covers both real and emulated tape drives. Usually volume
> size for such tape drives is bigger than original ECCST (cartridge used in
> 3490E).
> I also found that new high-capacity tape drives simply cannot emulate
> UNIT=3490, because of some limits related to this type of CU.
> For example STK/Sun/Oracle T10000 cannot be used under MVS in 3490 mode
> because of the limits.
> However lately I heard that EMC MDL (emulated device) can be defined as 3490
> *and* volume size can be as big as 16TB (terabytes). With no limitations
> related to 3490E.
> Q1: So, what about the limit - does it exist or no?
> Q2: Where can I find any documentation about it?
> Regards
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
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Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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