I believe that this may accomplish your objective:

//SORTBABY EXEC PGM=ICEMAN,REGION=31M,                                
//       'SIZE=MAX,MSGPRT=ALL,VLSHRT')                                
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                               
//SYSOUT    DD SYSOUT=*                                               
//SORTIN    DD DISP=SHR,DSN=INPDS.FB80(MYCLIST)                   
//CLIST     DD DISP=SHR,DSN=OUTPDS.VB255(MYCLIST)                 
//SYSIN     DD *                                                      
  SORT    FIELDS=COPY                                                 
  OUTFIL  FNAMES=CLIST,                                               


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu] On Behalf Of 
Ken Leidner
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1:43 PM
To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
Subject: FB to VB can DFsort do this?

I want to take a numbered FB 80 dataset (member) and convert it to a VB 255 
format dataset, each line will really be 80 bytes long.

I know how to reformat the line numbers 73-80 to the start of each line, and I 
can add the RDW (54 00 hex) before that, but what must I do to get the VB part? 
 Will sort still think the output dataset is FB?

Is there a keyword I need to use, much like when going from VB to FB?

I don't have a place to run this right now, hence the question.

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