I know this is probably already answered in the manuals, but I did not find 

,TASKLIB=dcb addr 
Specifies the address of the DCB for the library to be used as the attached 
task's library. Otherwise, the task library is propagated from the originating 
task. (Note: The DCB must be opened before the ATTACH macro is executed.) 
SYS1.LINKLIB is the last library searched. If the DCB address specifies 
SYS1.LINKLIB, the search begins with SYS1.LINKLIB, goes through other 
libraries, and ends with SYS1.LINKLIB. The system abnormally terminates the 
attached task with a completion code of X'806' if the requested module is not 
in the task library and is not in the other libraries searched. 

    The above from the description of parameters for ATTACH.  The load module 
for TASKB is in the steplib. If task TASKA allocates a library as a tasklib for 
an attach, where the library does not contain the load module for TASKB, opens 
a DCB, and then does the ATTACH for TASKB with the TASKLIB pointing to the 
library that does not contain load module TASKB, does ATTACH find it in the 
steplib, or 806? 


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