In my previous note I said:
one can
TEMPORARILY override the dataset attributes with a DD card if the OPEN
is for INPUT
Mr. Marchant said "NO", and referred to the JCL Reference Manual section "Completing the data control block". Please read again what I said. I said "dataset attributes", not the data control block. My discussion of the process indicated that because of the order of the merge, if I supply a DD card with "DCB" attributes, the ones supplied on the DD card (JFCB) will override the DSCB/label, which is supported by the material quoted. I failed to say that that overridden information is what is used only if the program's DCB does not supply that information (or if a RDJFCB is used to allow the DD to override any defaults in the DCB.), I don't know the internal logic of IDCAMS print, but it does something like this since one CAN override the DSCB info with a DD card. Quite obviously, for a newly-created dataset, the information would have to come from the DD or the program DCB, but that is what I said:"the forward merge from the dataset to the JFCB obviously cannot be done for a newly-created dataset". Since I no longer have much access to manuals or the class materials I generated relating to the OPEN process, I cannot cite any references, but they were there when I did the class. I can only say that my experience is that using IDCAMS PRINT with a "bogus" DD works and does not alter the PDS DSCB. The quoted material does NOT say that the DSCB is updated from the DCB for a file opened INPUT. But one thing should be obvious: the OPEN process is much more complex than indicated by the section from the JCL Reference Manual.
Dale Miller

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