Is the DBRM bound into a plan, or is the DBRM bound into a PACKAGE, then 
the plan is bound with the PACKLIST parm?  In the former case (which is no 
longer supported as of DB2 V10 btw) SYSPLANDEP will be updated when the 
BIND PLAN is performed.  However, in the latter case, SYSPLANDEP will be 
empty, and the dependancies will be recorded in SYSPACKDEP.

Wayne Driscoll
OMEGAMON DB2 L3 Support/Development

Dave Day <david...@consolidated.net>
08/06/2011 11:44 AM
Another DB2 question...SYSIBM.SYSPLANDEP...how is this updated
Sent by:
IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu>

    I can't find in any manual where it states how SYSIBM.SYSPLANDEP is 
updated.  I made the assumption it would be done at BIND time.  I have a 
DBRM that contains both dynamic and static SQL.  This DBRM is bound into a 
plan.  I can run the program and the SQL will execute successfully. 
However, when I query SYSIBM.SYSPLANDEP, there are no rows for my plan.  I 
used  SPUFI to query.  Once with a WHERE clause specifying my plan name, 
and another without the WHERE clause.  With the WHERE clause returned no 
rows.  Without the WHERE clause returned rows, but a search of the rows 
did not contain my plan name in the DNAME column. 

    I have completed the sign-up for the DB2-L list, but don't have access 
to it yet.  I guess they will process this in due time, but I thought 
someone on this list might know what causes this catalog table to be 
updated.   Thanks for the help.

    --Dave Day 

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