Thanks for the valuable information.  I plan to use the MODE C cmd in selected 
(10 or 20) z/os, or ZOS, or  Z/OS R 1.12.  IBM Mainframe(z196) batch jobs.  
These FTP's currently have an Elapse Time of 20 minutes to 3 hours using BLOCK 
Mode.  With MODE C they use 6 minutes to 90 minutes.  I never intended to 
modify any FTP of a TERSED file.  I meant to state that MODE C can be faster 
and less of a resource hog that a terse, ftp, and then unterse.  Bottom line, 
our batch will complete sooner and help insure we meet our SLA's.  I also plan 
to put in place the new DSWAITTIME nn parameter.

I really enjoy the veritable plethora of  in depth information provided by the 
many factotums and doyens on this SITE.

David L. Mingee
Principal Systems Administrator
Indianapolis Production Control 
Data Center Operations / Operations Technical Support

Work Ext  782-6460
Work Direct Dial  317 581-6460
Home 317 598-0919 / Cell 317 341-0885

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Chris Mason
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: FTP Question


I recently saw - again I have to confess - a program where a character intended 
to be portrayed as habitually and incessantly argumentative was described in 
terms of it being very likely that if left alone he would immediately find a 
reason to argue with himself.

If I see it again - it's not that bad a piece - I'll be able to tell myself 
that's what Paul Gilmartin must be like.

In the light of observations such as this, it's useful to examine whether there 
is an attempt at pure mischief or it is genuine.

So let us see what the original post was all about, shall we? After all the 
whole purpose of the list - as I thought - actually any of these lists as long 
as it's not VSE-L - is to provide a satisfactory and satisfying answer to the 
question as asked (- at least initially. There are some to whom creating 
tangential discussion becomes not so much incidental as an obsession - but 
we'll try to pass over them - well, we'll try.)

> I am asking for opinions on the ramifications or value of using the MODE C 
> (compress) command within generic ZOS batch FTP.

In my opinion pretty clear, wouldn't you agree? IBM wasn't actually specified 
but, hey, it is *IBM*-Main after all.

So we've established it's IBM and it's z/OS (well ZOS, but I'm sure I'll be 
allowed the adjustment) and it's FTP, the FTP server supplied by the IP 
component of Communications Server.

> ... the publication you cite would hardly be taken as authoritative.

So quoting the manual which referred to the precise topic about which the 
question was posed is inappropriate. I'd like to know what <an extremely large 
number of expletives deleted> is appropriate. Well, I can't ask you obviously, 
so I'll have to direct my "what's your opinion?" to everybody else.

Indeed IBM does use the word "compress" and "compact" in specific senses and 
because the context - as already established - was in the context of IBM 
products, I used this accepted - a barbed assertion! - terminology. I expect 
that the fact that the terminology was established for use with SNA products in 
the latish 1970s is the reason for the simulated irritation. "Compression" is 
just about as I described it while "compaction" is a further step which, come 
to think of it, is actually not all that much more processing-intensive. In 
fact, I could promote the idea that "compaction" is a relatively light-weight 
option for the novel since it is quite good for approximately halving the 
volume of data - on top of any benefit from compression.

Thanks at least for prompting me to present "compaction" more accurately - and 
to recall where it is documented:

Network Job Entry Formats and Protocols

Of course, I was delighted to note the "riling" potential in the second 
sentence in this other "parochial" reference:


Note: Compaction is only done on SNA transmissions.


Of course, it helps I used to teach this stuff once - and, moreover, I recall 
well the teacher who introduced it all to me, a charming Italian gentleman.


> FSVO (in a broader context than IBM's FTP) "compress" ... "Moby Dick" (a 
> novel; arguably text-rich).  The statistics:

>   Compressed:   584,758 bytes
> Uncompressed: 1,231,344 bytes

On the basis of this argument, arguably "blank-rich". Was the original 
double-spaced for those who have difficulty reading single-spaced text? I'd say 
that was what the statistics supported, wouldn't you?

Actually, being serious for a moment, I could guess - given this is all about 
what is meant by the word "compression" etc. - that the text had been subjected 
to both IBM's "compression" and "compaction".

Maybe that's what your "broader context" is, and, taking the opportunity, the 
context for "compression" - and "compaction" - within IBM extends way beyond 
the FTP products.


> BTW, is "mode C" in an RFC nowadays?

Well, you did ask!

(")If you have a hat, prepare to eat it now!(")

I cheated and used Wikipedia but it was just as good - and it reads believably 
- as using the RFC.

Under section "Protocol overview" we find the following at the beginning and 
the end:


The protocol is specified in RFC 959, which is summarized below.


Data transfer can be done in any of three modes:

- Stream mode: Data is sent as a continuous stream, relieving FTP from doing 
any processing. Rather, all processing is left up to TCP. No End-of-file 
indicator is needed, unless the data is divided into records.

- Block mode: FTP breaks the data into several blocks (block header, byte 
count, and data field) and then passes it on to TCP.

- Compressed mode: Data is compressed using a single algorithm (usually 
run-length encoding).


I must say that there is a smidgen of wriggle in that "usually". "Usually" is 
not a good word to find when the matter in hand is a communication protocol 
really quite sensitive to the precise interpretation of each byte of data as it 
comes in.[1]

Anyhow "run-length encoding" is what I described in my initial response and is 
just another way of describing what IBM calls "compression" - which, 
incidentally, does rather seem by reference to the FTP RFC to have thrown off 
any cloak of parochialism, don't you think?

FSVO "nowadays"! RFC 959 burst upon the unsuspecting world in 1985. I guess 
that might explain the failing eyesight suspected earlier!


[1] That "usually" bothered me a bit so I did check RFC 959, specifically 
section "Transmission Modes - Compressed Mode". That "usually" is rubbish - I 
should "fix" the Wikipedia article. The FTP "compression" is identical to IBM 
"compression" - with one slight proviso. If "it is understood" that the 
"compression" could be augmented by "compaction", it is required *not* to allow 
uncompressed data to be present in strings of up to 127 bytes, but only up to 
63 bytes. FTP "compression" is *not* augmented by "compaction" whereas SNA 
"compression" could be.

Chris Mason

On Thu, 11 Aug 2011 18:03:39 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <> wrote:

>On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 08:25:53 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:
>> .44
>>Because compression is such a light-weight process - here a comparison with 
>>the heavy-weight processes compaction or encryption is valid! - it has a very 
>>small overhead. It causes a major reduction on the volume of data to be 
>>"moved" when the data consists of reports with a lot of "white space" - let's 
>>just say blank characters - and maybe lots of fancy lines of asterisks or 
>>maybe just hyphens to assist with the presentation of arithmetical 
>>calculations - that sort of thing.
>Of course, these are parochial definitions of "compress" and "compact".  
>Elsewhere in the data processing community (there is such an 
>"elsewhere"), the publication you cite would hardly be taken as authoritative.
>>You would be "stark, raving" to consider compressing anything other than 
>>text. Text-rich text, a novel for example, would also be getting close to 
>>pointless. As for "tersed" data - perish the thought!
>FSVO (in a broader context than IBM's FTP) "compress"  I  just 
>downloaded the Gutenberg Project's "Moby Dick" (a novel; arguably text-rich).  
>The statistics:
>  Compressed:   584,758 bytes
>Uncompressed: 1,231,344 bytes
>I'll fully agree (without trying the experiment) about "tersed" data.
>BTW, is "mode C" in an RFC nowadays?  It's easy enough to find FTP 
>clients that don't support it.
>-- gil

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