On 9/13/2011 2:05 PM, Richard L Peurifoy wrote:
On 9/12/2011 10:59 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:

o Those rules should be enforced at a low level in the OS (e.g.
SVC), not by APIs such as JCL, TSO, ISPF, language runtime
systems, etc. In fact, those APIs should not enforce constraints
external to the primary OS.

I would argue instead that since the low level routines don't care,
the JCL, TSO, DYNALLOC, etc syntax should be relaxed so that such
things can more easily be used.

I have seen low level catalog routines catalog lower case and
"illegal" character names. I think there is now a catalog option
to prevent this, but if it were supported by the upper level
code it would work fine.

I suspect that these restrictions originally came about because
the keypunches and printers of the time didn't handle such things
well. If the printer couldn't print lower case you could not
see what was there.


This was supposed to go to the ISPF-L list. Sorry for the confusion.


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