W dniu 2011-09-26 19:11, Paul Gilmartin pisze:
On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 09:16:31 -0400, John Eells wrote:

tulliofontana wrote:

In our shop temporary datasets get allocated with a name that looks
like this:

Where can I find what each qualifier represents? Also, how can I
change the dataset name format of these datasets?

The short answer is that you cannot change the format (well, perhaps you
could with an Allocation exit), although there are two formats from
which to choose, and you can tell the system to always use one of them
if you choose to.

Wouldn't it be nice if temporariness were an attribute independently
controlled, so I might code something like:


(and even nicer if I could use system variables in forming the DSN.)
Ah, well, it's JCL.  What can one expect?

I disagree. If you want to assign DSN, you can do it. Of course system will treat it as regular permanent dataset. ...so what? In DFSMS era it's enough to create in ACS routines some "eyecatcher", like LLQ=TEMP. Last, but not least: the name is generated, because user doesn't care what the name is, one doesn't need to know the name.

My €0.02
(and of course  having really unique names is good)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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