If your object is just to cease duplexing and get down to a single HSM volser from two, and it doesn't really matter whether the one left used to be the primary or the duplex volume, then one possibility is to do an HSM TAPEREPLACE to convert DUPLEX volumes into the primary volume, leaving no duplex volume. TAPEREPL will still take some time as it must do updates to the HSM Control Datasets to replace all primary volser references with the duplex volser, but less time and no tape handling compared with a RECYCLE.

If you plan to then turn off duplexing and run in this mode for any length of time, I trust your tapes are not real cartridges but virtual cartridges that are duplexed in some other way. A single physical cartridge is always at much greater risk from physical damage than two, especially with one at an alternate site, and running without HSM data duplexed in some fashion is ill-advised.

I'm also unaware of any command to just delete the duplex volume. I would be inclined to suspect that the only references to a duplex volser is a field in the HSM OCDS record for the primary volume, a member in the RACF HSMHSM tapevol profile, and volume status information in your tape management system; but I would still be hesitant about trying to purge that data manually in the absence of a direct DFHSM command to do the delete. It doesn't seem like an HSM duplex delete function should be that difficult to implement: Perhaps it should be considered as a possible candidate for a SHARE requirement.
  JC Ewing

On 10/05/2011 11:02 AM, Barry Jones wrote:
Hi Listers,

Does anybody know if there is someway to do a DELVOL of just the duplex copy
of a tape.

IE: ML2 tape VOLSER 123456 has a duplex copy on VOLSER 654321.
I want to keep 123456, but delete the association with 654321 and return it
to scratch.

I know I can do it by SETSYS DUPLEX(MIGRATION(N)) and then RECYCLE EX
VOL(123456), but I have thousands of volumes and dont want to have to
recycle all of them.

I've scanned the fine manual, but cant see anyway to do it.

Joel C. Ewing,    Bentonville, AR       jcew...@acm.org 

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