And usually the only reason one would need to do this migration IS a new DASD subsystem and the removal of an old subsystem, which typically requires moving many volumes, not just SPOOL. Having a product like TDMF or FDRPAS makes such moves non disruptive and so painless, that every one of our DASD subsystem acquisition contracts for over a decade has included temporary availability of such a product to do the migration! Considering the capacity of current DASD subsystems, to do it any other way may require a month or more overlap between old and new DASD with at least some brief down time, unless you are willing to incur substantial down time for mass DASD moves. With one of the above migration tools, the moves can be done non-disruptively over at most several days.
  Joel C. Ewing

On 10/07/2011 09:17 AM, Mark Jacobs wrote:
If you have a product such as IBM's TDMF or FDRPAS it will happily move
active spool volumes to another device.

Mark Jacobs

On 10/07/11 10:10, R.S. wrote:
I have to move JES2 SPOOL volumes from one control unit to another
(another dasd box).
IMHO the simplest method is to stop JES2, move the volumes using DSS
copyvol and voila. However this method require an outage which can be
long, because SPOOL is large.

I just looked at the documentation - it seems such movement could be
done by addition/deletion volumes to spool. However deletion of spool
volumes is not so funny - when some long running task keep output on
the volume, I can only wait. Oboviously closing tasks like CICS or DB2
means production outage, so closing JES2 is not big issue in such case.

Q: Is there any method to move spool volumes (or at least majority of
them) ?
Any clue?


Joel C. Ewing,    Bentonville, AR 

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