On Mon, 24 Oct 2011 10:03:58 -0500, Wayne Driscoll <wdri...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

>Thanks, I missed an important qualifier what I should have said was "all
>non-job step TCB's under a given JSTCB will point to the same TIOT."

No, that still doesn't work, Wayne, as it still has that ambiguous ues of 
"under". I think you really do need to say 'with the same TCBJSTCB" rather than 
"under a given JSTCB".

Consider, for example, the case where you have // EXEC PGM=A where A, running 
authorized, attaches B and C both as jobstep TCBs, and with separate TIOTs.

B then attaches non-jobstep TCBs B1 and B2, which share B's TIOT.

C attaches non-jobstep TCBs C1 and C2, which share C's TIOT.

In the sense of subtasking, all of B1, B2, C1, and C2 are "under" A, but none 
share A's TIOT.


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