Thanks all.

Don't see this information on Cheryl's site, but perhaps I am not looking in
the right place.

I have a CA support ID. The record layout specifics do not seem to be in the
ACF2 documentation. (If I'm wrong, can someone supply a specific manual

I have figured out that ACF2 may be configured as John indicates to use any
valid SMF record type number, with a default of 230. I'm prepared to be, as
John says, "parametric."

Let's try a new question that is not very proprietary: 

Does anyone know if ACF2's SMF (Type 230 or whatever) records are more or
less the same as RACF Type 80 records? By "more or less the same" I mean are
the layouts apparently identical, perhaps with some small exceptions? Or is
it a completely different layout (with, of course, roughly comparable


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf
Of John Gilmore
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: What SMF record types and formats does ACF2 write?

Cheryl's website has this information, properly labeled.

The problem with all such numbers for non-IBM SMF records is that ISVs, very
properly, supply a default record number but permit it to be overridden when
its use would conflict with another, preexistent use of that number.  The
only not very helpful thing that can be said about any such 'user' SMF
record number n  is that n > 127 is certain.

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