on 12/09/2011
   at 05:10 PM, John Gilmore <> said:

>I have known such programmers too; and it is a fair criticism of
>COBOL as it is currently used that---apart from not yet implemented
>new-standard language extensions---it makes this necessary.

AFAIK the language extensions for writing more structured COBOL
programs are fairly long in the tooth. Is there really a current
compiler that can't handle, e.g., IF-THEN-ELSE?

>The comment about FORTRAN is just rhetoric, misconceived for
>FORTRANs later than FORTRAN II. 

Hogwash. FORTRAN IV isn't that much better than FORTRAN II. It wasn't
until FORTRAN 77 that it ceased being a leper.
     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     ISO position; see <> 
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