David Booher wrote:
>From other posts I've seen on the list, the initialization of the CKDS and 
>PKDS all fail with a return code of 12.  My question is:  Can you still run 
>CSF with empty datasets and no crypto processor and still expect it to offer 
>any SSL ciphers?

Yes. SSL has nothing to do with CKDS/PKDS - it has to do with certificates.

>Regarding the client:  by client, I meant DB2 connect running on a laptop.  My 
>previous sslscan indicated only a few ciphers were "preferred", but I don't 
>know how to get the DB2 client on the laptop to request one of those 
>ciphers.....what a mess!

Ah. So maybe your DB2 connect machine isn't using a properly signed certificate.

What are the symptoms you're seeing? Is there any kind of error message?

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