At 02:56 -0500 on 12/21/2011, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote about
Re: Imagine dealing with THIS in production:
In <p06240803cb16cda5395b@[]>, on 12/20/2011
at 06:47 PM, "Robert A. Rosenberg" <> said:
(unless Gilbert goofed and counted the non-existent February 29,
A minor gaff if he did, since an error of 4 years would hot have
affected Frederick's plight. A more serious gaff is that forced
marriages were no longer legal, although the songs are compelling
enough that I don't worry about it while listening to the music.
The plight would not be affected by if 1900 was a leap year or not.
The point was his comment about having to wait until 1940 to be free
of his indentures. If you check out the story I mentioned (which
appears in one of the Black Widower anthologies) the question of when
the story takes place is addressed (and thus if he was born in 1856
or 1852 - 84 or 88 years prior to the 21st Birthday year of 1940).
There is an analysis of the rest of the dialog/lyrics to see evidence
for when the action was occurring. As was normal for Dr. Asimov he
does a good job on the analysis of the evidence before delivering his
result. I will leave it up to anyone who is interested to read the
story and agree or disagree with his view.
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
ISO position; see <>
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