> Hi folks,
> Is there any way to know the owner or creator of a PDS dataset?
> Sometimes, I need to know who created this PDS. I don't have any other
ways but
> 'browse or edit' the PDS and see the IDs again each member...
> I wonder is there a better way to know who created this PDS directly?
> Please keep fire...
> Thanks!

I am not certain what an OWNER of a PDS is.

1) Is it the ID that ALLOCATED the file?
2) Is it the ID that UPDATED a member in the PDS?

If case 1 - Then the SMF records (check 14, 15, 17, 18)
   Record type 14 is written for non-VSAM direct access data sets, tape data
sets, or VIO data sets. that are defined by DD statements or dynamic
allocation and opened for RDBACK or INPUT processing by problem programs. It
is written when a data set is closed or processed by EOV. Its length varies,
depending upon the number of volumes for the data set.

   Record type 15 is written for non-VSAM direct access, or VIO tape data
sets that are defined by DD statements or dynamic allocation and opened for
OUTPUT, UPDAT, INOUT, or OUTIN processing by problem programs. It is written
when a data set is closed or processed by the end-of-volume (EOV). Its
length varies, depending upon the number of volumes for the data set.

If case 2 - Then the SMF records Type 42 Subtypes 
   Subtype 20 is written when STOW INITIALIZE is used to delete all the
members from a PDSE to indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user)
issued the STOW INITIALIZE. It contains the name of the data set and the
volume serial of the volume on which it resided.

   Subtype 21 is written when a member is deleted from a PDS or a PDSE to
indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) deleted the member. It
contains the name of the data set and the volume serial of the volume on
which it resided, as well as all the aliases of the member that will fit in
the SMF record.

   Subtype 24 is written when a member is added or replaced from a PDS or a
PDSE to indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) added or
replaced the member. It contains the name of the data set and the volume
serial of the volume on which it resided. If the member replaced is a
primary name in a PDSE, the SMF record will also include any alias names
associated with the replaced member. The number of alias names included will
be limited to the maximum size that can be contained in an SMF record.

|Only those applications that issue STOW and DESERV calls |for PDS or PDSE
directory processing will generate Subtype 24 records. |Some applications,
such as IEBCOPY, do not issue a STOW or DESERV |when updating the directory.
Thus, a subtype 24 record will not be |created.

   Subtype 25 is written when a member is renamed from a PDS or a PDSE to
indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) renamed the member. It
contains the name of the data set and the volume serial of the volume on
which it resided, as well as the old name and new name of the member.

|Only |those applications that issue STOW and DESERV calls for PDS or PDSE
|directory processing will generate Subtype 25 records. Some applications,
|such as IEBCOPY, do not issue a STOW or DESERV when updating the directory.
|Thus, a subtype 25 record will not be created.

You could probably use the utility DAF on www.cbttape.org to run the SMF


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