>  Vacation?  Not likely.  I just don't know all the answers off the top
> of my head, ....
Impossible. :-) You're destroying the image I have of you!

>  Prior to DSNTYPE=LARGE in z/OS 1.7, the only way to use an
>extent size larger than 64k tracks was to use an extended
>format data set, and extended format data sets must be on
>SMS-managed volumes.
I believe that our setup dates to that time  before dsntype=large. That 
explains the SMS-managed HLQ. 
And since it is not exactly easy to test, if something works, don't change it. 
Testing time has to be fought for.

I didn't mean for you to go read the book. Once I had the time (and no pressure 
to get finished anymore), that's what I found. Hence my question. My original 
question was also meant as heads-up for everyone else not to forget sadump in 
all its glory when changing DASD.

Now I have to get the 1.13 book to see the revised text. 

> But you shouldn't need DDSPROMPT=NO to allow for
>AutoIPL of SADMP.  If the first character of your SADMP IPL
>(or AutoIPL) load parameter is S, and the second character 
>is N, O, or M  (N or O would be typical for AutoIPL),
>SADMP will use the OUTPUT= specification from your
>AMDSADMP macro.

Well, I did specify SMSYSC as loadparm, both for this attempt and in the 
autoipl setting. I have to say that I always feel stupid when I look up this 
stuff, because I cannot really get a clear answer what is what and what I 
should specify. I used the 1.12 books and hope that your 1.13 revision makes it 
clearer. I'll let you know. :-) After all, you must be tired of me always 
asking about this stuff.

I took ddsprompt=YES to mean that prompts would show up on the HMC, regardless 
of the loadparm. And given that I have to fight to test sadump even in the 
sysprog sandplex, I have to get it right first time. :-(

Talking of AUTOIPL and sadump, when I tested this, the only way to see that 
sadump had finished was when the NIP messages came up on the real console, 
indicating sadump was done. That's fine and dandy when I am expecting an 
sadump, but what about when the sadump is taken due to a real problem (and not 
me just v xcf,sadump,reipl)? How can I see (without interrupting sadump) how 
far it had come? Just open the operating system messages window on the HMC? 

>  Also, when you get in a pickle with SADMP, you can
>usually do a PSW Restart of the SADMP IPL CPU (usually, 
>CPU 0 unless IPLed via AutoIPL) to get back to the 
>beginning of SADMPm processing.  PSW Restart is a
>bit inconvenient on the HMC.
Especially on a z196 HMC, where the click-yes click-no requires concentrated 
reading to do the correct clicking, interspersed with typing in passwords for 
just about anything. I don't even know how I get to single object operations on 
the z196 HMC.

>The HMC and I are not the best of friends. ... I suppose it is
>because I don't comprehend the beauty of its 
>object-oriented design.  Or so I have been told.
Same here. First thing we did was get it back to the old view - almost none of 
us was able to find anything anymore, and certainly not in a pinch when the 
manager wants things done yesterday.

>  It is easy to do a PSW Restart of SADMP under VM.
No slur on you, but I have gotten the impression that IBM development thinks 
that the rest of the world works under VM, too, and hence cannot comprehend 
what goes on with a 'real' console in 'real' lpar mode. That is often worlds 
apart and makes some development responses seem extremely arrogant to a 
customer - they have no clue how the world works, other than when running under 
VM, and just cannot comprehend why there is a problem.

>  If all else fails, you can Re-IPL SADMP. 
>It used to be that you would not get any paged out
>storage dumped if you did that, but I fixed that in 
>z/OS 1.9.
Now he tells me! I had been standing there and thinking to just reload sadump. 
The last time I did this I ended up with a nice system trace of what sadump had 
done :-(. 
What's the point of no return? In other words, when shouldn't I reload sadump 
in order to get a dump with meaningful content for the problem I am sadumping 
for? (I think I understand the 4K pages in nucleus.)

>But I don't consider manual
>writing to be one of my better-developed skills.
Don't know why. You manage splendidly when you explain things, in my opinion.

Skip, I had  a good laugh at the joke!


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