> Hi All/Lizette,
> My Logic of automating the ISMF thing is like below :
> Step 1 : Choosing the ISMF panel option then ,
> Selecting Option 1 : 1  Data Set                  - Perform Functions
> Against Data Sets
> Step 2 :
> Then ,
>                          DATA SET SELECTION ENTRY PANEL             Page 1
> of 5
>  For a Data Set List, Select Source of Generated List  . . 2  (1 or 2)
>    1  Generate from a Saved List         Query Name To
>         List Name  . .                   Save or Retrieve
>    2  Generate a new list from criteria below
>         Data Set Name . . . 'KGC08630.**'           = ====== > T*his is
> where I put userid HLQ.** to retrieve their DASD space utilizatio*n.
>         Enter "/" to select option      Generate Exclusive list
>         Specify Source of the new list  . . 2    (1 - VTOC, 2 - Catalog)
>         1 Generate list from VTOC
>            Volume Serial Number . . . *          (fully or partially
> specified)
>            Storage Group Name . . . .            (fully specified)
>         2 Generate list from Catalog
>            Catalog Name . . .
>            Volume Serial Number . . .            (fully or partially
> specified)
>            Acquire Data from Volume . . . . . . . Y  (Y or N)
>            Acquire Data if DFSMShsm Migrated  . . Y  (Y or N)
> Step 3 : Then :
> I get a List of dataset like below :
>    Panel  List  Dataset  Utilities  Scroll  Help
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  DGTLGP11                         DATA SET LIST
>                                                          Entries 1-5 of 5
>  Enter Line Operators below:                             Data Columns 3-5
> of 42
>       LINE                                    ALLOC      ALLOC     % NOT
>       OPERATOR          DATA SET NAME         SPACE      USED      USED
>      ---(1)----  ------------(2)------------ ---(3)---  ---(4)---  -(5)-
>                  KGC08630                    ---------  ---------    ---
>                  KGC08630.CIC.LOAD                 55K        55K      0
>                  KGC08630.CICS.LOAD              1660K       664K     60
>                  KGC08630.TESTING.COBOL            55K        55K      0
>                  KGC08630.TESTING.SEQ             221K         0K    100
>      ----------  ------  -----------  BOTTOM OF  DATA  -----------  ------
>  ----
> Step 4 : Then I print the above by choosing the option "LIST" Option 9 to 
> Print.
> Step 5 : Then After the above step 4 I get the screen like below :
>    Panel  Utilities  Scroll  Help
> ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
>  DGTDPR11                  DATA SET PRINT ENTRY PANEL               Page 1
> of 2
>  Select Format Type  . . . . . 1  (1 - Standard, 2 - Roster)
>  Report Data Set Name  . . . . KGC08630         -----------------  USERID
>  Replace Report Contents . . . y  (Y or N)  Lines/Page . . . 55  (12 to 99)
>      ------
>  Specify Tags to be Printed:
>  ===>  4
>         Line Operator                    (40)  CF LOCK Structure Name
>         Data Set Name                    (36)  CF Status Indicator
>    (3)  Allocated Space                  (24)  Change Indicator
>    (9)  Allocation Unit                   (6)  Compressed Format
>   (14)  Block/CI Size                    (20)  Creation Date
>   (16)  Block Unused                     (25)  Data Class Name
>   (35)  CCSID Description                (30)  Data Set Name Type
>   (39)  CF CACHE Set Name                (34)  DDM Attributes
>   (38)  CF CACHE Structure Name          (19)  Device Type
>   (37)  CF Monitor Status                (29)  DS Environment
>   (41)  CF LOCK Set Name                 (11)  DS Organisation
>  Command ===>
> After the above a PS file is created with our ID prefixed like :
> MYID.KGC08630.
> So If I can automate the above thing using REXX then I print almost any 
> number of
> HLQ DASD utilization thing in a PS file.
> Jags


So you are looking to create a listing of datasets with used space functions?  
If you can use CBTTAPE.ORG, you will find some entries that do just that.  As 
going into ISMF and doing a LISTPRT the Tag number 4 is for Used Space     

However, if you have other requirements, please LIST those.  The way you could 
have asked for this request is:  I need a space used mapping of VSAM datasets, 
or Space used of all datasets on a given pack.  The longer explanation was not 


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