On Thu, 1 Mar 2012 05:47:38 -0600, Jan MOEYERSONS wrote:
>>Sanely organized networks, even those that do not span multiple time
>>zones, collect and store only UTC [GMT] STCKE values.
>>The table involved is short; it is ordered; it can be searched using
>>very efficient glb-seeking binary search; this table grows very
>>slowly; elements can be added to it before their effective dates;
>>ample advance notice of requirements to add new elements and their
>>effective dates (always one of two) is provided; etc., etc.
>All true. And all too bad IBM did not implement such table into their C 
>library functions.
Sounds like material for a Requirement.  And ICANN provides the necessary
data; I've posted the link a couple times in this thread.

But is there a business justification?  Alas, "Most of the rest of the world
does it that way"  is unlikely to suffice.

To IBM's credit, the one time I reported a leap second error in an IBM
product, they swiftly provided a PTF, properly, IMO, switching to use
the TIME macro instead of STCK and ad-hoc conversion.

-- gil

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