
I think you'll find Netview uses ATCCONxx just like VTAM does for deciding
what is initially active at startup.  However, CNMCONxx is for specifying
any additional members that you want Netview to include in STATMON and that
are not in ATCCONxx.  Perhaps one doesn't activate much at all in ATCCONxx
and then one gets automation to activate what one wants depending upon
certain criteria.  CNMCONxx would then specify all the VTAM major nodes that
might get activated.

Back to the original question, most sites I have worked at have the VTAMLST
concatenation in Netview so that members can be browsed from it without
having to resort to TSO.


> This is the NetView STATMON component pre-processor program. Just as
> VTAM has its ATCCONxx member which provides the names of members as
> dreamed up by the responsible system programmer so the NetView STATMON
> component pre-processor program has its CNMCONxx member providing a
> similar service.

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