Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

>Reminds me of the old diagnostic technique:
1. Clean all of the contacts/.
2. Test the link.
3. Tell the customer that you couldn't find a problem so it must be on his end.

Thanks, now I'm not feeling alone... hehehe...

Or like this one (software based, not hardware like above):

220 x.x.x.x FTP proxy ready.
User (x.x.x.x:(none)): ....@....
501 Not permitted to connect to ....@....
Login failed.

I failed many time to tell 'them' it is NOT RACF related. (Lack of 331 prompt 
for example)

In one particular difficult to trace case, it was found to be a proxy server 
some <censored> [on T.H.E.I.R   S.I.D.E !!!] configured without using proper 

Sigh... ;-)

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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