Same experience here Dave. We licensed SKLM 5698-B35 SKLM for z/OS & 5698-B42 SKLM for Storage to replace EKM and the migration is trivial. I have not seen any communication from IBM on EOS for EKM. The lack of clear communication providing an EOS date or a statement of direction has been confounding. IBM representatives have spread a lot of FUD regarding the need to migrate off EKM over the last several years but despite several appeals to IBM'ers to clarify the position nothing useful. SKLM is functionally and structurally almost identical to EKM providing additional device support (E07 native tape transports, full disk encryption on DS8xxx) and of course it is a chargeable product.
Best Regards, Sam Knutson, GEICO System z Team Leader (office) 301.986.3574 (cell) 301.996.1318 "Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..." -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of Jousma, David Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 9:10 AM To: Subject: Re: End of Support for Encryption Key Manager (EKM) I don't know about the EOS on EKM, nor am I aware of the "cost" of ISKLM Lite, but I will tell you that it is plug-to-plug compatible with EKM making the conversion pretty easy. Biggest change was changing the startup JCL, and other parameters that changed the letters "EKM" to "ISKLM". My company went ahead and licensed the new version. EKM/ISKLM has been very stable, with no problems ever at my site, BUT if it broke and we were unable to read/write our encrypted tapes the cost of that outage would negate any savings from not upgrading to a supported version. Does it stink that IBM now charges for something that was free? You-betcha. I guess you have 3 options: 1) Negotiate a better price from IBM and get on a supported version, 2) start converting your encrypted tapes to non-encrypted, and discontinue the use of the software, Or 3) continue on unsupported software, but get that letter from your CIO as your "get-out-of-jail free" card if the worst ever happens. _________________________________________________________________ Dave Jousma Assistant Vice President, Mainframe Services 1830 East Paris, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 MD RSCB2H p 616.653.8429 f 616.653.2717 ==================== This email/fax message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution of this email/fax is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all paper and electronic copies of the original message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN