Can anyone skilled in the art tell me why a compiler that probably
dates back to the late 1970'ies or early 1980'ies generates the
following short and sweet code for a PL/I "BY NAME" assignment, while
the not completely new (but still fairly recent) version of Enterprise
PL/I (V3R9) generates the very, very, very long-winded code below it?
Or is this (V3R9) code (that predates the OOO z196 architecture)
really faster?

OS PL/I V2.3.0 - OPT(2)
     343   1  2      REPT_LINE    = REPT_LIST, BY NAME;

002664  58 70 8 268        L     7,REPT_WORK.LINE_PTR
002668  58 60 8 030        L     6,REPT_WORK.REPT_PTR
00266C  58 F0 3 600        L     15,1536(0,3)
002670  D2 03 7 003 F B54  MVC   REPT_LINE.TR(4),2900(15)
002676  DE 03 7 003 6 00C  ED    REPT_LINE.TR(4),REPT_LIST.TR
00267C  D2 03 7 00A F B54  MVC   REPT_LINE.RE(4),2900(15)
002682  DE 03 7 00A 6 00E  ED    REPT_LINE.RI(4),REPT_LIST.RI
002688  D2 02 7 011 6 010  MVC   REPT_LINE.DA(3),REPT_LIST.DA
00268E  58 E0 3 608        L     14,1544(0,3)
002692  D2 06 4 158 E 5D4  MVC   344(7,4),1492(14)
002698  DE 06 4 158 6 014  ED    344(7,4),REPT_LIST.K+1
00269E  D2 05 7 017 4 159  MVC   REPT_LINE.K(6),345(4)
0026A4  D2 06 4 158 E 5D4  MVC   344(7,4),1492(14)
0026AA  DE 06 4 158 6 01B  ED    344(7,4),REPT_LIST.V
0026B0  D2 04 7 028 4 15A  MVC   REPT_LINE.V(5),346(4)
0026B6  D2 03 7 030 6 026  MVC   REPT_LINE.NA(4),REPT_LIST.NA
0026BC  D2 03 7 036 6 02A  MVC   REPT_LINE.TY(4),REPT_LIST.TY
0026C2  D2 03 7 03D 6 02E  MVC   REPT_LINE.CO(4),REPT_LIST.CO
0026C8  D2 00 7 04B 6 036  MVC   REPT_LINE.SP(1),REPT_LIST.SP
0026DA  D2 01 7 067 6 049  MVC   REPT_LINE.DATE.DAY(2),REPT_LIST.DATE.DAY

Enterprise PL/I for z/OS       V3.R9.M0 (Built:20100923) - OPT(3)
    3120.0         368  1  2       rept_line    = rept_list, by name;

003E40  E350  D340  0624  003120 | STG  r5,#SPILL33(,r13,25408)
003E46  E320  D270  0624  003120 | STG  r2,#SPILL7(,r13,25200)
003E4C  E350  D8FD  0571  003120 | LAY  r5,_temp9(,r13,22781)
003E52  E300  D368  0604  003120 | LG   r0,#SPILL38(,r13,25448)
003E58  E340  D308  0624  003120 | STG  r4,#SPILL26(,r13,25352)
003E5E  E310  D4B4  0271  003119 | LAY  r1,LINE(,r13,9396)
003E64  E300  D8FC  0550  003120 | STY  r0,_temp9(,r13,22780)
003E6A  E300  D148  0214  003120 | LGF  r0,<a1:d8520:l4>(,r13,8520)
003E70  D278  1000  4D33  003119 | MVC  LINE(121,r1,0),REPT_INIT(r4,3379)
003E76  4110  E00C        003120 | LA   r1,_shadow21(,r14,12)
003E7A  E3E0  D8FC  0571  003120 | LAY  r14,_temp9(,r13,22780)
003E80  DE03  E000  1000  003120 | ED   _temp9(4,r14,0),_shadow21(r1,0)
003E86  B914  00E0        003120 | LGFR r14,r0
003E8A  E300  D368  0604  003120 | LG   r0,#SPILL38(,r13,25448)
003E90  4110  E003        003120 | LA   r1,#AddressShadow(,r14,3)
003E94  41F0  E00A        003120 | LA   r15,#AddressShadow(,r14,10)
003E98  D202  1001  5000  003120 | MVC  _shadow21(3,r1,1),_temp9(r5,0)
003E9E  9240  E003        003120 | MVI  _shadow21(r14,3),64
003EA2  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003EA8  E300  D984  0550  003120 | STY  r0,_temp8(,r13,22916)
003EAE  E350  D984  0571  003120 | LAY  r5,_temp8(,r13,22916)
003EB4  4120  E017        003120 | LA   r2,#AddressShadow(,r14,23)
003EB8  4110  100E        003120 | LA   r1,_shadow21(,r1,14)
003EBC  DE03  5000  1000  003120 | ED   _temp8(4,r5,0),_shadow21(r1,0)
003EC2  E310  D985  0571  003120 | LAY  r1,_temp8(,r13,22917)
003EC8  4140  E028        003120 | LA   r4,#AddressShadow(,r14,40)
003ECC  D202  F001  1000  003120 | MVC  _shadow21(3,r15,1),_temp8(r1,0)
003ED2  9240  E00A        003120 | MVI  _shadow21(r14,10),64
003ED6  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003EDC  E3F0  D974  0571  003120 | LAY  r15,_temp19(,r13,22900)
003EE2  D202  E011  1010  003120 | MVC  _shadow21(3,r14,17),_shadow21(r1,16)
003EE8  E310  D238  0604  003120 | LG   r1,#SPILL0(,r13,25144)
003EEE  D206  F000  14A4  003120 | MVC  _temp19(7,r15,0),' ......'(r1,1188)
003EF4  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003EFA  D203  B95C  1013  003120 | MVC  _temp15(4,r11,2396),_shadow18(r1,19)
003F00  E310  D90C  0571  003120 | LAY  r1,_temp15(,r13,22796)
003F06  D202  B93C  1001  003120 | MVC  _temp11(3,r11,2364),_shadow12(r1,1)
003F0C  E310  D8EC  0571  003120 | LAY  r1,_temp11(,r13,22764)
003F12  DE06  F000  1000  003120 | ED   _temp19(7,r15,0),_temp11(r1,0)
003F18  E310  D975  0571  003120 | LAY  r1,_temp19(,r13,22901)
003F1E  D205  2000  1000  003120 | MVC  _shadow21(6,r2,0),_temp19(r1,0)
003F24  E310  D238  0604  003120 | LG   r1,#SPILL0(,r13,25144)
003F2A  E320  D96C  0571  003120 | LAY  r2,_temp21(,r13,22892)
003F30  D206  2000  14A4  003120 | MVC  _temp21(7,r2,0),' ......'(r1,1188)
003F36  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003F3C  D202  B939  101B  003120 | MVC  _temp18(3,r11,2361),_shadow12(r1,27)
003F42  D202  B936  B939  003120 | MVC  _temp20(3,r11,2358),_temp18(r11,2361)
003F48  E300  D8E6  0590  003120 | LLGC r0,<a1:d22758:l1>(,r13,22758)
003F4E  E300  30EE  0080  003120 | NG   r0,=X'00000000 0000000F'
003F54  E310  D8E6  0571  003120 | LAY  r1,_temp20(,r13,22758)
003F5A  E300  D8E6  0572  003120 | STCY r0,<a1:d22758:l1>(,r13,22758)
003F60  DE06  2000  1000  003120 | ED   _temp21(7,r2,0),_temp20(r1,0)
003F66  E320  D96E  0571  003120 | LAY  r2,_temp21(,r13,22894)
003F6C  D204  4000  2000  003120 | MVC  _shadow21(5,r4,0),_temp21(r2,0)
003F72  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003F78  E300  1026  0014  003120 | LGF  r0,_shadow19(,r1,38)
003F7E  5000  E030        003120 | ST   r0,_shadow19(,r14,48)
003F82  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003F88  E300  102A  0014  003120 | LGF  r0,_shadow19(,r1,42)
003F8E  5000  E036        003120 | ST   r0,_shadow19(,r14,54)
003F92  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003F98  E300  102E  0014  003120 | LGF  r0,_shadow19(,r1,46)
003F9E  5000  E03D        003120 | ST   r0,_shadow19(,r14,61)
003FA2  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003FA8  4300  1036        003120 | IC   r0,_shadow21(,r1,54)
003FAC  4200  E04B        003120 | STC  r0,_shadow21(,r14,75)
003FB0  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003FB6  E300  1043  0014  003120 | LGF  r0,_shadow19(,r1,67)
003FBC  5000  E05F        003120 | ST   r0,_shadow19(,r14,95)
003FC0  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003FC6  E300  1047  0015  003120 | LGH  r0,_shadow20(,r1,71)
003FCC  4000  E064        003120 | STH  r0,_shadow20(,r14,100)
003FD0  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003FD6  E340  D9A8  0571  003121 | LAY  r4,_temp12(,r13,22952)
003FDC  E320  D270  0604  000000 | LG   r2,#SPILL7(,r13,25200)
003FE2  E300  1049  0015  003120 | LGH  r0,_shadow20(,r1,73)
003FE8  4000  E067        003120 | STH  r0,_shadow20(,r14,103)

TEN superfluous reloads of R1? AD 2012? How the fluffing H can you
call this an optimizing compiler? How can someone from IBM tell you
(i.e. me, two years ago!) that "we are at least five years ahead of
the competition"?

Oh, maybe it's because Enterprise PL/I is a direct descendant from
Visual Age PL/I for OS/2, a compiler that had to work on a CPU with
just a dozen available registers? Let's see what PL/I for Windows

IBM(R) PL/I for Windows   8.0      (Built:20110825)
; 3132      rept_line    = rept_list, by name;
        mov     ecx,[ebp-03680h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     [ebp-05938h],ecx;       _temp67
        push    offset FLAT:@CBE273
        add     ecx,03h
        mov     edi,offset FLAT:@CBE213
        mov     edx,edi
        mov     [ebp-05a38h],edi;       @CBE390
        add     eax,0ch
        sub     esp,0ch
        mov     edi,dword ptr  __imp__IBMPCODP
        call    edi
        mov     edx,[ebp-05a38h];       @CBE390
        push    offset FLAT:@CBE273
        mov     eax,[ebp-05938h];       _temp67
        lea     ecx,[eax+0ah]
        mov     eax,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        add     eax,0eh
        sub     esp,0ch
        call    edi
        mov     eax,[ebp-05938h];       _temp67
        mov     edx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        add     edx,010h
        mov     cx,[edx]
        mov     dl,[edx+02h]
        mov     [eax+013h],dl
        mov     [eax+011h],cx
        push    offset FLAT:@CBE58
        lea     ecx,[eax+017h]
        mov     edx,offset FLAT:@CBE224
        mov     eax,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        add     eax,013h
        sub     esp,0ch
        call    edi
        mov     eax,[ebp-05938h];       _temp67
        push    offset FLAT:@CBE27
        lea     ecx,[eax+028h]
        mov     edx,offset FLAT:@CBE218
        mov     eax,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        add     eax,01bh
        sub     esp,0ch
        call    edi
        mov     eax,[ebp-05938h];       _temp67
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     ecx,[ecx+026h]
        mov     [eax+030h],ecx
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     ecx,[ecx+02ah]
        mov     [eax+036h],ecx
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     ecx,[ecx+02eh]
        mov     [eax+03dh],ecx
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     cl,[ecx+036h]
        mov     [eax+04bh],cl
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     ecx,[ecx+043h]
        mov     [eax+05fh],ecx
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     cx,[ecx+047h]
        mov     [eax+064h],cx
        mov     ecx,[ebp-038b8h];       REPT_WORK
        mov     cx,[ecx+049h]
        mov     [eax+067h],cx

Wow! The code ends with the same six superfluous reloads, as ECX is
needlessly overwritten - why not use EDX?

Again, I'm only the observer, it's you and your companies that are
paying for the extra(?) CPU usage, and maybe a 16-byte
three-instruction sequence like

003FC0  E310  DF10  0158  003120 | LY   r1,<a1:d7952:l4>(,r13,7952)
003FC6  E300  1047  0015  003120 | LGH  r0,_shadow20(,r1,71)
003FCC  4000  E064        003120 | STH  r0,_shadow20(,r14,100)

is really faster than the simple 6-byte one-instruction sequence


Then again, I always thought that the fastest instructions are those
ones that are never executed...

Robert AH Prins

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