> Does this imply that I can't code two separate DD statements, each
containing the "DDNAME=..." option in the same PROC, where they refer to
separate concatenations, respectively?

Not sure that I read that into it, although it certainly is possible

>User Response:  If the DDNAME reference was intended to refer to the 
>entire concatenation, move the concatenated DDs to follow the 
>referencing DD rather than the referenced DD. This will ensure that the

You would expect that given


that REFFED could be any valid DD statement. But it appears that what they
are saying is that the following will not work:

//UNRELATE DD DSN=dsname.zero,...
//REFFED DD DSN=dsname.one,...
//      DD DSN=dsname.two,...
//      DD etc.

I think it fails the least astonishment test, particularly in that
dsname.two will end up getting concatenated to //UNRELATE DD. I could see
someone spending hours debugging some S0C5 or 6 from invalid input because
of a totally inappropriate input file.

I think they are saying that only the following will work. It's arguably
less useful; it's certainly less useful than "either/or." 

//     DD DSN=some.other.dsn or similar ...
//      DD etc....
//REFFED DD DSN=dsname.one,...

I can certainly understand the design issues in doing it right, given
implementation in assembler originally for a 44K region. Think about it. A
"full" implementation would allow the following. This is certainly a

//            DD DDNAME=REFFED2
//REFFED1 DD DSN=dsname.one,...
//      DD DSN=dsname.two,...
//      DD etc.
//REFFED2 DD DSN=dsname.three,...
//      DD DSN=dsname.four,...


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu] On Behalf
Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 8:12 AM
To: IBM-MAIN@bama.ua.edu
Subject: Re: JES/2 Proc SYSIN Concat Error??

On Tue, 5 Jun 2012 13:59:25 -0700, Lizette Koehler <stars...@mindspring.com>
>Explanation:  THE JCL DDNAME keyword has been used to refer to a DD 
>concatenation. When the object of a DDNAME reference is a concatenation 
>of multiple DDs, only the first DD in the concatenation is actually 
>System Action:  The system issues message IEF677I and continues 
>processing the job. The first DD in the referenced concatenation is 
>associated with the referencing DD. The remaining (unlabeled) DDs in 
>the referenced concatenation are concatenated to the labeled DD 
>immediately preceding the concatenation.
>User Response:  If the DDNAME reference was intended to refer to the 
>entire concatenation, move the concatenated DDs to follow the 
>referencing DD rather than the referenced DD. This will ensure that the 
>concatenation is correctly defined to the system.
Was this truly the intent of the design, or did it just happen to work that
way, so they documented it as a feature?

Does this imply that I can't code two separate DD statements, each
containing the "DDNAME=..." option in the same PROC, where they refer to
separate concatenations, respectively?

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