Charles Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We've got an MVS application (LE C++, calling assembler which cares
> nothing about LE), executing out of MVS datasets in the STEPLIB, which
> we're modifying, so that the assembler now calls some LE C++ code that
> uses a DLL which sits over in USS-land. We've successfully gotten the
> assembler to make the LE C++ callee think it was called from a pure LE
> caller (a little, but Vendor Interfaces-approved, slight of hand here
> :-)), but now we're trying to figure out how to combine STEPLIBs with
> MVS PDSEs with a PATH expression to where the DLL lives.

The LE C++ code that is _called_ by the assembler seems to be
the critical point here.  I'll call it BAR.  I'll call the
DLL which BAR references CUSP.  I'll call the target dataset
for BAR and CUSP JGROUT.LOAD (a PDSE that contains program
objects) and the target dataset for side decks JGROUT.EXP
(a standard 80-byte FB PDS or PDSE).

Step I - Creating the CUSP program object and side deck

Technique A.  Bind in USS and copy out

If you can give the DLL a PDSE member name (one to eight
characters, all letters uppercase) in USS, you can copy it
to batch with the same name without rebinding it (this
works because the IMPORT statements in the side deck will
have the correct DLL name).

In my example, if you are in the USS directory containing
the DLL (CUSP) and its side deck (CUSP.x), do the following:

cp -X CUSP "//'jgrout.load(cusp)'"
cp -B CUSP.x "//'jgrout.exp(cusp)'"

Technique B.  Rebind in batch

I think this is what you're already doing.  When you
rebind the DLL into a PDSE member named CUSP, you would
at JGROUT.EXP(CUSP), bring in the DLL with an INCLUDE in
SYSLIN and name the rebound DLL CUSP with a NAME CUSP(R)

Step II - Creating the BAR program object

The description below assumes that no one tries to
explicitly load CUSP... including BAR... and that BAR
does not use the DLL API to call functions in CUSP.

When you bind BAR, you need to include JGROUT.EXP(CUSP) in
SYSLIN.  A simple INCLUDE statement pointing at this is fine.
I am assuming that BAR references CUSP directly, which will
create references that must be resolved when BAR is bound.

To check this, specify the LIST option to the binder and
search for CUSP.   You should find each function or variable
imported from CUSP to resolve a reference named in a table of
imported symbols.  This table reflects how LE looks at the
world... it doesn't care _WHERE_ a DLL is at run-time... all
it cares about is its name (in my example, the name is CUSP).

If you have an unresolved reference, check JGROUT.EXP(CUSP).
It may be that the function you are trying to call was
never exported... if so, that has to be fixed in USS land.
If the DLL was originally designed for Unix, this is not
all that unlikely (see the C/C++ manuals for the details
on pragmas, attributes and compiler options that mark
functions and variable for export).

You can demangle long mangled names named at the end of
the binder listing or in the side deck using CXXFILT (see
the C/C++ User's Guide for details).

Step III - Runtime

If BAR was bound with no unresolved references to CUSP and
JGROUT.LOAD is in JOBLIB/STEPLIB, at some point between
when BAR is loaded from JGROUT.LOAD and when BAR first
tries to invoke a function in CUSP, LE will load CUSP

John R. Grout

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