In a message dated 2/23/2006 7:45:37 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The same day that it became their only source of data. >> Always been a source of amusement that IBM has been so glacially slow to come up to speed in the information age. This list was started in '86 because we were having troubles morphing VM/MVS services into a single image for the users. It's a long long story but the end-users didn't care as long as they got their prints and could signon to their region. There were a few others started at they same time Omegamon, pMail, and a few others. Omegamon list didn't last long(too many short wicks?) IBM-Main and pMail survived. For many moons IBM-Main was hung off of Software Mall interface to Ibmlink under hardware. IIRC it was being fed off one of the Almaden servers for several years. Then one day it stopped(not the list, the interface). So made a service call and the story was 'they pulled the server'. Well, are they going to replace? 'Maybe but we don't have the expertise to reconfigure the link.' So it went dead from IBMlink and nobody seemed to care. So we stumbled on. Many upgrades, newsreaders, name servers, routers, switches, and PHB's aside still providing the service. Few days shy of the Lists 20th birthday. There won't be any giveaways or spraying confetti but will look forward to 21 and beyond.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at