Again, I would suggest you open an issue with CA-1 support. The volume-usage with dataset compression has nothing to do with how much actual data is physically on the tape. The difference between 20% compression and 70% compression is a huge amount of data.
Russell Witt CA-1 Level-2 Support Manager -----Original Message----- From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Barbara Nitz Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 6:13 AM To: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Subject: Re: Anyone using RMM and TSM? My space admins say that probably the volume usage in kb is containing the block count. We have to do the calculation manually, but it may well be that for a tape in status 'filling' that volume usage count for the input tape would be wrong (always providing that the same interface is used). Unfortunately, as we don't have RMM, we cannot say for sure. The block count number displayed by CA1 is used by us for calculation of how many byte/Kilobte/Gigabyte are on the tape. Regards, Barbara -- Telefonieren Sie schon oder sparen Sie noch? NEU: GMX Phone_Flat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at