Ed Gould wrote:
Just a point of curiosity here... I have been out of touch on this and
my knowledge maybe out of date.
With the new larger tapes there maybe more than the 255 file "limit"?
When was DFHSM (for that matter TMS) updated to allow for these
Longer more dense tapes?
Was the field increased to 32760 or did they go for a full word?
z/OS R7:
Extend Tape Table of Contents (TTOC) records to raise the
DFSMShsm limit on the number of data sets per tape to support
more than 330,000 data sets per volume. This can provide better
DFSMShsm exploitation of new larger capacity tape cartridges by
allowing over 1,000,000 data sets per migration or backup tape
volume. ( Note: Other factors also affect the number of data
sets that can be stored on a tape.)
(BTW, 255? How long ago was the limit 255?)
John Eells
z/OS Technical Marketing
IBM Poughkeepsie
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