See comments below for some of my "responses".  I thought I was clear that I
was NOT talking about "performance" or "storage" impacts.  I think most of
those types of "impacts" are cases where you and I disagree.

"Steve Comstock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> >     -       DYNAM  (only if CANCEL is used)
> This impacts runtime behavior whether or not CANCEL is used

DYNAM and NODYNAM do not impact the output/results of a program UNLESS a
CANCEL is used.  CANCEL of a program CALLed via a literal with NODYNAM does
NOT place the subprogram in "initial state" - while it does with DYNAM
specified.  What other run-time behavior difference do you know of?

> >     -       FASTSRT (only if DECLARATIVES are used)
> This impacts runtime behavior whether or not DECLARATIVES are used,
> I believe

I know of NO time that FASTSRT impacts run-time results (other than the
OBVIOUS performance implication) except for when a DECLARATIVE should be
"reached" by a "bad SORT".  This works with NOFASTSRT, but not with FASTSRT.

> >     -       PGMNAME
> I don't see the runtime behavior impact of this

Depending upon the setting of PGMNAME, a CALL to "A2345678" may or may not
find a subprogram with the name "a2345678" or "A234567899"

> >     -       QUOTE/APOST (figurative constant, not literals)
> I don't see the runtime behavior impact of this
  With QUOTE the figurative constant QUOTE is 
  With APOST it is 
That impacts comparisons and often DISPLAY and written output

> In some sense, TEST can impact runtime behavior.
   I think that IBM accepts as "APARABLE" and case where a programs that are
compiled with various TEST options and the programs run to completion give
different results.  Do you know of cases where semantics ARE impacted?
> ARITH can impact runtime behavior
  You are probably right.  I was thinking that most of the differences would
be detected at compile-time if you tried using numeric items over 18 digits.
However, this can impact "Intermediate results" - even if all data
individual items are limited to 18 digits.
> DLL can impact runtime behavior
> OPTIMIZE can impact runtime behavior
  Again, like "TEST", I believe that IBM accepts as APARable any differences
in the results (other than performance) from various settings of OPT.  Even
the "removal" of non-referenced data items can't impact run-time BEHAVIOR
for "valid" COBOL programs.
> OUTDD can impact runtime behavior
  I thought about including this.  However, I think that LE will do a
DYNAMIC allocation of whatever this points to, so that the results are
always the same - just different DDNames.

> RENT can impact runtime behavior (along with DATA)
   How?  (Other than where storage is allocated?  This impacts performance
but not RESULTS for two different programs that both run to successful
> In some sense, RMODE can impact runtime behavior

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