There are four kinds of things to backup 1. DB2 applications 2. Non database application data 3. DB2 system data (catalog and directory) and log files 4. system data.
And you should back them up in that order because 1. DB2 backups are dependent on the information in tape catalog, MVS catalog and DB2 catalog 2. application backups are dependent on tape catalog and MVS catalog 3. After the DB2 application backups are complete, backup DB2 catalog and directory 4. now backup the DB2 active logs, -ARCHIVE LOG MODE(QUIESCE) then pack dump so DB2 can recover cleanly. 5. last item is MVS catalogs (I assume most of the stuff is in usercats - or hope so) and tape catalog. They may have been included in the previous pack dumps but you need a second copy after all the other stuff is complete. Recover is mostly reversed restore pack dumps, restore db2 log files restore mvs catalogs and tape catalog start db2 and recover catalog and directory (some of the recovery information comes from the log files) recover DB2 applications ETC. Mike ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at