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It's time to look for alternatives. I've had one
billable day all year and nothing on the books for
the rest of my life. Time to move on, I guess.

Anyone have any leads for me to do temp or contract
work? Preferably in the Colorado front range area,
but telecommutting could be anywhere.

Design, code, technical writing, even training.

Ever the optimist, I hope this is just a temporary
thing. Trying to be real, it might be for good.

I still love technical training, and if any of you
have leads along those lines, or suggestions for
offerings that might glean interest, I'll follow those
up first. I'll keep the website up and the office open
as long as I can, but I need to find new ways of
making a living. [The acting is still an option, much
more stable than z/OS applications programmer training,

Thanks for all your support and help.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.

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