So, it seems that this package is used to perform some sort of computation based on zip codes, or something along those lines. If this is the primary (or part of) application on this CICS region, then it's quite conceivable that during a peak period, the region is, in effect, doing a lot of computations, which effectively prevents other CICS tasks from running. There are a limited number of TCBs used to run CICS tasks, and if these tasks start doing a lot of computational work, the end-users will be looking slow R/T. I don't see 2K I/O's per sec. being the culprit. It's the package, how it's architected and how it really isn't designed to play nice in CICS if it becomes the primary workload. But, I'm not answering the question, because I'm one of those who doesn't want to answer it.
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