For simple one-at-a-time printouts, I wrote an MS Word macro that converts
ASA carriage control characters to the MS word equivalents. It handles page
breaks, single/double/triple line spaces, and, to some extent, the "print
without advancing" carriage control codes. When it encounters a CC '+'
(print without advancing), it sets the entire previous line to bold and
deletes the line with the CC '+'... so it won't let you selectively
"overtype" just parts of a print line as was sometimes done in the impact
printer era to emphasize individual words, but overall it works pretty well.
You simply download your mainframe report to the PC with a "Rich Text
Format" (.rtf) file extension (so the file will open automatically in MS
Word), double click to open the document, then kick off the macro... and
voila, a printable document with the original formatting.
If anyone's interested, shoot me a note off-list and I'll send you a copy
of the macro and instructions for installation and use.
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