DB2 V8 :

Some of the reasons I can recall :

a) You could not upgrade to V8 unless you have a 64 bit machine..

Where in the World have you heard that a Software supplier forces you to run
a 64 but machine before you can "Upgrade". The concept of 64-bit machines is
basicly to allow you to move some of your buffers into "Above the bar". So
if you do not need to move anything "Above the bar", as most DB2 users, why
are you forced by a Database vendor to move to a 64-bit machine ? I was on a
DB2 V8 course in Dallas and I tried to debate this with the lecturer and she
eventually just smiled and said "I do not know why they would do such a
thing to loyal customers. People that really believe that IBM has
their best interest at hart".

Sounds a little like the Sprint Executives and their Outsorucing deal with

b) It cost more for DB2 V8

Which implies , that as a V7 user, you could not order V8 and play with it
until you are ready. In the old days, the maintenance covered the upgrade.
Now they argue, it's actually a new product.

Conclusion/Summary :

There is still some pieces of IBM's software that does not even go above the
line, never mind the fact that very few pieces of current software can/need
to go "Above the Bar".

You are being sold "Pie in the sky" and for some of us, that has been around
and heard it before, we should know better.

It's like a cult... "Just believe"... but I have intellgent friends that
believe in the "Apple" label the same way. It's not logic.. only strong

Google : How many times have you found the "Google" web site NOT being
available ?    From a personal point of view :  ZERO. So in the old days ,
"mainframe speak",  "100% available".


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