Wayne Driscoll wrote on 06/01/2006 09:24:31 PM:

> I am writing a number of IPCS clists and and I have a question about the
> EVALUATE command.  I am using the command to extract a character string
> the dump for use in a NOTE command.  However, the character string
> mixed case data, yet the CLIST variable always contains an uppercased
> version of the string.  Is there any way to get mixed case output from an
> evaluate command?

Yes, you can ask EVALUATE to place UNFORMATTED data in a command procedure
variable.  No, you can't get lower case letters through the editing process
for CHARACTER data - at least not since MVS/SP 2.1.2 (JBB2125, circa 1982).

If you do intend to use the UNFORMATTED option, I'd encourage you to use
REXX rather than CLIST.  REXX doesn't mind if arbitrary binary content
lands in its variables.  The same cannot be said for CLIST variables.

Bob Wright - MVS Service Aids

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