>Ted,  You said that you lose 12-15% when you add the second engine and another 
>15% or more for each additional engine that you add. 

I said for up to a certain size and I was quoting from (poor) memory.

>Here you present a 30% reduction for the ninth CP compared to the first.

Based on LSPR, ISV charges and other sources.
It is an additional 306 MIPS, only.

>Your math doesn't add up.  If it was 15% per CP, your ninth one would be more 
>like 110 MIPS.  The data that you've presented suggests more like 5% per added 

I don't understand the above statement.
All I was trying to point out was the SMP effect is alive and well.

300,000 Kilometres per Second
Not only is it a good idea!
It's the LAW!!!  

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