On Thu, 22 Jun 2006 21:51:12 -0500, Eric N. Bielefeld <eric-

>Actually, that brings up something that bugs me about this list.  A lot of
>people use acronyms, and don't define them.  Lots of acronyms on this 
>most system programmers should know, but there are many that I know I 
>always know or remember what they are, ...  I
>ask people that if there is any doubt that the vast majority of  IBM-
>should know what an acronym is, please put the full words in the text of
>your message once, right after or before the acronym.  It really helps if
>everyone knows for sure what exactly is being said.

You're right.  There are lots of acronyms and/or abreviations used on this
list, and a lot of them are meaningless to some readers.  It's hard to 
know when or what explanation is needed, though.  It's a safe bet that 
MVS doesn't need to be spelled out.  It an even safer bet that "Multiple
Virtual Storage" (or is it Systems"?) is not going to help anyone 
understand "MVS".  Likewise VTAM, VSAM, CICS, etc.  It becomes even murkier
when acronyms are reused.  (I assume many people reading IBM-Main know 
what is refered to by SOAP.  To me it's the 650's assembler - the 
Symbolic Optimizing Assembler Program.  There's a communication gap here

Pat O'Keefe


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