Thanks, I thought about it. It would make some mess in our naming 
conventions, but that's some soultion. But I'd still like to know, what's 
wrong with "SPOLL-" volume.


On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 14:59:58 -0400, Imbriale, Donald (Exchange) 

>According to the 1.7 JES2 Init Ref manual, the suffixes are
>A-Z, 0-9, $, #, @ and the limit is 39 volumes.
>If your current prefix is SPOOL, you should be able to change it SPOO
>and it will pick up all your current volumes and allow you to specify a
>whole bunch more if/when needed.
>Don Imbriale
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>>Of Dorota Sorokulska
>>Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:44 PM
>>Subject: problem with spool volume serial
>>We have defined in SPOOLDEF 5 character prefix assigned to jes2's spool
>>volumes. That gives me maximum 40 volumes according to "JES2
>>Initialization and Tuning Reference" book:
>>"IBM recommends that you limit the prefix to 4 characters (well...)
>>so that you are not restricted to a maximum of 40 volumes as is the
>>if you use a 5-character prefix which also limits the suffix to a
>>character (A-Z, 0-9, $, #, @, -)".
>>The problem is, that I've already defined 39 volumes with all available
>>suffixes except '-' and now I'm trying to define the last one. Let's
>>that the spool volume prefix is 'SPOOL'; I defined volume 'SPOOL-' with
>>HASPACE dataset but after issuing command "$S SPOOL(SPOOL-),FORMAT,P"
>>got message :
>>$HASP003 RC=(04),
>>Can anyone help? What I'm doing wrong? Or what have I missed?
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