On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 13:44 -0500, Ed Gould wrote:
> The Largeness of the numbers just floored me back then, so I am not  
> impressed with 64 bits at all.

I remember once being at a SHARE where an IBMer was talking about the
OfficeVision product.  Someone commented from the audience about the
large amount of memory that the thing required.  "That's okay", the
presenter replied offhandedly, "in a couple of years you'll have 16
megabytes on the planar."

A SIXTEEN MEGABYTE PC?  IS HE OUT OF HIS MIND?  How could you possibly
justify having that large a memory on your desktop computer?  I walked
out of the ballroom, figuring that OfficeVision was a dead duck.  (Turns
out that it was, but not for the reasons I guessed.)

"4 megabytes should be enough for anyone" -- Me.

David Andrews
A. Duda and Sons, Inc.

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