IIRC all logos that we had were digitized as fonts so to place it on an
overlay it is just a text command although placement works a little
different than a graphic.  Depending on your applications the logo as
font could also be used a variable text data from your application using
font indexing (among other methods). 

I was not aware of the 'freebie' method but it is interesting, last time
we did a logo the price had gone up (over $500 IIRC but not sure if it
was COPI at that point).

-----Original Message-----
Ed Finnell
In a message dated 9/26/2006 4:17:42 P.M. Central Standard Time,

there  are others out there, it probably pays to shop around.  Check
with print outsourcers too. 

Well Overlays calls PSEGs. So the trick is to get it into PSEG format.
You can actually do this with the AFP driver available from
(http://www.printers.ibm.com) . FORMDEFs call  overlays in the AFP world
or you can actually use AFP commands inline to place a  PSEG. OGL makes
overlays, and PPFA makes Page and Form defs. If you don't have these
there are PC stuff Elixir or ISIS-Papyrus that can do them on a Windoze
machine and upload to hosts. They're pretty expensive and dongles are

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