
A little REXX Code for TimeZone Offset.

signal on syntax                                                               
        || ====================================================================
        || Function:      Timezone    : Calculates the offset from GMT         
        || Arguments:     (none)      : nothing is required                    
        || Return:        offset      : offset in (-)HHMM format               
        || Exposed vars:  (none)      : nothing is exposed                     
        || Note:  Decode Minutes Into foramt HH:mn                             
        || ====================================================================
Call TimeZone                                                                  
        || ====================================================================
        || Function:      Push        : Push the Word                          
        || Arguments:     (none)      :                                        
        || Note:  Nothing                                                      
        || ====================================================================
Parse Value TIME() with Hours ':' Minutes ':' Seconds                          
Tmezone.1 = 'Date:     'DATE() Hours':'Minutes':'Seconds zone                  
        || ====================================================================
        || Function:      Timezone    : Calculates the offset from GMT         
        || Arguments:     (none)      : nothing is required                    
       || Return:        offset      : offset in (-)HHMM format               
       || Exposed vars:  (none)      : nothing is exposed                     
       || Note:  Uses the CVTLDTO field in one of the CVT extensions.  It look
       ||        like this field was added sometime in 1991, so this routine  
       ||        will not work on any OS version older than that.             
       || ====================================================================
         /* ==================================================================
         || We're gonna have a big number                                     
         NUMERIC DIGITS 21                                                    
         /* ==================================================================
         || Get current CVTLDTO (Local Date Time Offset in STCK format))      
         cvt     = C2d( Storage( D2x( 16 ), 4 ) )                             
         cvttz   = C2d( Storage( D2x( cvt + 304 ), 4 ) )                      
         cvtext2 = C2d( Storage( D2x( cvt + 328 ), 4 ) )                      
         cvtldto = C2d( Storage( D2x( cvtext2 + 56 ), 8 ), 8 )                
         /* ==================================================================
         || Calc the current offset in hours and minutes (work with absolute) 
         absldto = Abs( cvtldto )                                             
          hours   = absldto % x2d('D693A400000' )                              
          minutes = ( absldto % x2d('3938700000') ) // 60                      
          /* ==================================================================
          || Format to ANSI standard X3.51-1975                                
          zone    = Right( hours, 2, "0" )Right( minutes, 2, "0" )             
          IF cvtldto < 0 THEN DO                                               
            zone      = "-"zone                                                
          ELSE DO                                                              
           zone = "+"zone                                                      
          /* ==================================================================
          || Reset                                                             
          NUMERIC DIGITS                                                       
        RETURN zone                                                            
* Trap uninitialized variables                                *                
say "Syntax error" rc "at line" sigl || ":"                                    
say errortext(rc)                                                              
say  sourceline(sigl)                                                          

Francis Godin
Renault IT - Data Centers
Networking Expert & WAN
Paris - France

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