Posted with Don Deese's permission at the request of Mark Zelden with 
thanks to Dave Thorn for following this topic up with Don as part of a 
discussion at a recent Philly CMG meeting.

Chapter 1.7:  Discretionary Goal Management

A problem existed when using discretionary goals prior to OS/390 Version 2
Release 6: on systems in which 100% of the CPU was used by service class
periods with performance goals, service class periods assigned a
discretionary goal might never receive CPU service.  This situation 
even though the service class periods with performance goals might be
significantly over achieving their goals, since the Workload Manager would
never allow discretionary work to have a CPU dispatching priority equal to
or higher than work with performance goals.

>From one perspective, this algorithm is proper; discretionary work is
defined as work that has no performance goal.  However, most sites want 
discretionary work eventually to be processed, even though it has no
performance goal.  Consequently, many sites removed the discretionary goal
from work and assigned a performance goal to the work.

However, there are significant advantages to assigning a discretionary 
to work: work with a discretionary goal executes with the 
(MTTW) algorithm.

.       Work assigned to a Mean-Time-To-Wait group competes within the
Mean-Time-To-Wait group for access to the processor.  Address spaces are
assigned dispatching priority within the MTTW group, based upon their
execution characteristics.  Address spaces that execute a significant
number of CPU instructions between I/O operations are considered heavy CPU
users.  These heavy users receive a lower dispatching priority within the
MTTW group than do address spaces requiring less CPU processing between 

.       The philosophy behind assigning work to Mean-Time-To-Wait  groups
is to attempt to use as much of the overall computer system as
possible.  Dispatching relatively light CPU users ahead of relatively 
CPU users ensures that the I/O complex will be used simultaneously with 
CPU processor.  Since both CPU and I/O are active simultaneously, more
overall work will be accomplished by the computer system.  This philosophy
assumes, of course, that overall throughput is a major goal, rather than
the turnaround of specific heavy CPU users.  This philosophy is explicitly
applicable to service class periods assigned a discretionary goal.

IBM addressed this problem in OS/390 Version 2 Release 6, by implementing
the discretionary goal management algorithms.

With discretionary goal management, the Workload Manager identifies 
class periods that have been assigned a performance goal and that are
candidates for participation in discretionary goal management.  Service
class periods can participate in discretionary goal management if either 
the following conditions applies:

.       The service class period has a response goal greater than one
minute.  This condition does not apply to subsystem transaction service
classes (e.g., CICS or IMS transaction service classes), since these
service class periods do not include address spaces.

.       The service class period has an execution velocity goal less than
or equal to 30%.

The Workload Manager identifies candidate service class periods meeting
either of the above conditions, that have significantly overachieved their
performance goal.  If discretionary work exists in the system, the 
Manager may apply internal resource capping to the service class periods
that are over achieving their performance goal.  The internal resource
capping operates similarly to the normal Resource Group capping described
in Chapter 1.6 of this section, in that the Workload Manager will cap the
address spaces for one or more cap slices.  This capping restricts the
amount of CPU service that can be used by address spaces in the capped
service class period.

The Workload Manager may apply internal resource capping when the
Performance Index is less than 0.7, and stops internal resource capping
when the Performance Index is greater than or equal to 0.81.   If a
candidate service class period with a performance goal has multiple
periods, later periods are selected for capping before earlier periods
(that is, capping would potentially be applied to Period 2 before capping
would be considered for Period 1).

The effect of the discretionary goal management algorithm is to allow
discretionary work to receive CPU cycles when work with a performance goal
would otherwise significantly over achieve its performance goal.

There are two important points in the above snip: (1) internal resource
capping also applies to transactions that have greater than one minute
response goal, and (2) internal resource capping will be applied only if
there is discretionary work ready to run.



Don Deese, Computer Management Sciences, Inc.
Voice: (703) 922-7027  Fax: (703) 922-7305

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