I'm sorry this is not properly "tied" to previous posts.

Lindy, Matt, Mark and Ramiro

Something that may be relevant to this topic for two reasons. It is certainly 
relevant for one reason.

In looking up the manuals for another problem, I discovered that there were two 
flavours of the "remote execution server", one which accesses TSO and another 
which access "UNIX" or some may say "USS", meaning "UNIX System Services". This 
"rang a bell" when I remembered your post with the sentence:


Correct me, please, if I am wrong, but if you telnet to port 25 you get to TSO, 
but if you rlogin to port 513 you get to USS.


In fact there are two flavours of two "remote execution servers". They happen 
to use ports either side of the RLOGIN port, namely 512 for REXEC, "exec" and 
514 for RSH, "shell".

These may be useful for the task to be performed that gave rise to this thread.

What is definitely relevant is the matter of running a service in either 
environment, TSO or UNIX (USS) and it is described in section 2.19.5, 
"Configuring TSO and z/OS UNIX Remote Execution servers to use the same port" 
of z/OS V1R8.0 Communications Server IP Configuration Guide. The technique I 
was describing in an earlier post is covered yet again but "officially", as it 
were, being in a regular manual and in some detail including how to define a 
VIPA and an example of a NETSTAT command.

I would differ from the example here only in defining two VIPAs not just the 
one, one for each environment, TSO and UNIX (USS).

Note also the need to use INETD - also for otelnetd - which is covered in 
section APPENDIX1.1, "Appendix A. Setting up the inetd configuration file" of 
z/OS V1R8.0 Communications Server IP Configuration Guide.

Chris Mason

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